  1. Action
  2. Adventure
  3. Gore
  4. Horror
  5. Military
  6. Zombies
Biohazard 4D-Executer
  1. Studio TBA
Premiered Fall 2000

Biohazard 4D Executor was a 20 minute CG movie that people in Japan could (and still can as of this date) see in a special theatre.

Though the CG was primitive, (the rendering and models aren’t much better than that seen in Resident Evil 2, it’s certainly not on par with Resident Evil 3) it told the story enough. Below is a summary of the events within the 20 minute movie.

The story focuses on an elite unit of 5 UBCS members, sent into Raccoon City to try and rescue Dr. Cameron. An Umbrella scientist lost in all the confusion. The UBCS team, consisting of members Rodrigo, Roger, Klaus, Ed and Norman, have a GPS device used to track down Dr. Cameron’s last known location, which is near a large food factory.

Upon entering the factory they are attacked by a large creature, a sort of hybrid between a Tyrant and the more evolved forms of Nemesis.


  1. Action
  2. Detective
  3. Horror
  4. Military
  5. Mystery
  6. Mythology
  7. Supernatural
  8. Suspense
  9. Zombies
  1. Studio TBA
September 30, 2006 EDT

After the Playstation port of Resident Evil 4 hit the stores Capcom released a new 97 minute DVD some time later which intended to summarize the whole story of Resident Evil 4. It's played on English audio with Japanese subtitles. It also included a little book which explains the life on El Pueblo before and the arrival of Osmund Saddler. It also solved some plot holes like the whereabouts of the children. It contains many of the scenes original to Resident Evil 4.

[Source: Resident Evil Wiki]

  1. Action
  2. Horror
  3. Sci-Fi
  4. Zombies
  1. Digital Frontier
September 14, 2012 EDT

United States Special Agent Leon S. Kennedy sneaks into a small Eastern European country to verify rumors that Bio Organic Weapons (B.O.W.s) are being used in war. Right after his infiltration, the U.S. government orders him to leave immediately. Determined to uncover the truth, Leon ignores the order and enters the battlefield to end the chain of tragedies caused by the B.O.W.s.

[Source: IMDB]

  1. Action
  2. Horror
  3. Sci-Fi
  4. Zombies
  1. Marza Animation Planet
May 26, 2017 EDT

Chris Redfield of the anti-bioterrorism organization BSAA infiltrated a mansion after receiving a tip that it was in fact the home base for an arms dealer ring. Although he found himself squared off with world-famous wanted criminal Glenn Arias during his investigation, he ended up having to flee from him after witnessing something unbelievable.

On the other hand, Rebecca Chambers–a former member of Raccoon City's special police force S.T.A.R.S. and current college professor–was involved in the investigation of a baffling incident in which the deceased come back to life and went berserk. Thanks to her efforts during the investigation, she was able to discover that the incidents were being caused by a new kind of virus and develop a medicine to cure it. Soon after this, however, the research lab was attacked by some unknown figure and Rebecca was in mortal danger. Luckily, she managed to survive thanks to Chris and the others who had rushed to her rescue.

After these events, Chris and Rebecca headed to meet up with Leon S. Kennedy, a member of the DSO, an organization of agents under direct control from the U.S. President… Leon was the most knowledgeable individual when it came to the incidents involving this new virus. After being apart, Chris and Leon finally reunite. Knowing that Arias' true goal is bioterrorism, Chris, Leon, and Rebecca go to New York to find him, stop his plans, and save humanity.

[Source: Anime Now]

  1. Action
  2. Drama
  3. Horror
  4. Sci-Fi
  5. Zombies
  1. Quebico
Jul 8, 2021 at 3:00am EDT

Six years ago (2000), the helicopter belonging to the U.S. special forces who were intervening in the Penamstan civil war fell from the sky. The U.S. Army Mad Dogs, who were in the same battleground, refused orders from the command center to stand their ground and instead went to save survivors of the crash. However, the special forces were already annihilated. The Mad Dogs, led by their captain Jason, were also forced to escape in order to survive.
However, in that place, Jason and his unit saw the supposedly dead special forces moving in strange ways...

In the present (2006), a hacking incident occurs on a top secret White House file. Four agents, including Leon S. Kennedy and Jason, the “Hero of Penamstan,” are invited to the White House to investigate this incident. However, when the lights suddenly go out, they are forced to take down a horde of mysterious zombies alongside the SWAT team. Afterward, the top secret file is found to be related to a biology laboratory in Shanghai, which Leon and the other three agents decide to investigate for clues. As they head to Shanghai in a cutting-edge submarine, a swarm of rat-like Bio Organic Weapons (B.O.W.) suddenly attacks, pushing them into a life-or-death situation.

Meanwhile, while staying in Penamstan to provide support for refugees, Terra Save staff member Claire Redfield encounters a strange image drawn by a nonverbal boy. Haunted by this drawing, which appears to depict a victim of viral infection, Claire starts her own investigation. She eventually finds a terrifying experiment that was conducted during the Penamstan civil war. Leon and Claire draw closer to an unimaginable truth that all began in Penamstan. They also discover that a terror that can shatter peace is slowly approaching...

[Source: Netflix]

  1. Action
  2. Horror
  3. Sci-Fi
  4. Zombies
  1. Quebico
July 6, 2023 EDT

D.S.O. agent Leon S. Kennedy is on a mission to rescue Dr. Antonio Taylor from kidnappers, when a mysterious woman thwarts his pursuit. Meanwhile, B.S.A.A. agent Chris Redfield is investigating a zombie outbreak in San Francisco, where the cause of the infection cannot be identified. The only thing the victims have in common is that they all visited Alcatraz Island recently. Following that clue, Chris and his team head to the island, where a new horror awaits them.
