Neo Kyoto...a city ruled by the "King." This is where players challenge the King in "Rebuild Battles," hoping to get their wishes fulfilled. But there’s more to Neo Kyoto than meets the eye: it’s a virtual realm where the best Build-Divide players are chosen to be connected to the main CPU, and then fused with the program running the city. There, Teruto’s battle was all about rescuing the trapped Kikka from her role as the main CPU...
Time passed, and it’s three years later...
Neo Kyoto is now a city in ruins, looking nothing like it did before. The people are being rounded up by the King’s servants, known as KUGE, and deposited into “Barrels” to steal their magical power. All in order to keep the King going...
And now a girl appears, with the KUGE in pursuit. She’s the former King, Kikka Kurabe. Although she was once known as the most powerful King in Neo Kyoto’s history, even Kikka is helpless against the KUGE, and is constantly on the run from them. After all, Kikka has no Build-Divide deck in hand.
"This is a crime, this is my punishment. I’ll never see the light again..."
Day after day, she continues to flee with no respite, consumed by all kinds of regrets. Now that she’s on the brink of despair, who should reach out a helping hand to her but...?
I want to see you again.
"Teruto." "Master."
In the ruins of Neo Kyoto, the two girls take each other by the hand. And now, their battle is about to begin... the one that will lead them to the person that they both cherish.
[Source: official English website]